Yeah!It's been a long time dream!!
Dah lama teringin nak berphotoshoot lebih2 lagi ngn my team ni, PBLicious Team!
Thanks to Kak Nur & Kak Intan kerana telah bertungkus lumus membantu kami mncapai impian ni..
Even kami ni bukan top model, tapi dengan bangganyer kami boleh cakap kt korang sume, "We are PBLicious Model!"
With the Premium Beautiful, we feel BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS & CONFIDENT. Yes, confident!
Yup, keyakinan diri tu sgt penting!percaya atau x, PB ni dh bantu ramai orang bina keyakinan diri...
So, what we have?
Just tengok gambar2 kat bawah ni k..
My Individual Photoshoot..

Hi!It's Me...;)
My Individual Photoshoot..

Hi!It's Me...;)
Dress by Mia Leanna
Make up by: MUA K.Yatt
And it's time for..Group Photoshoot....Yea!!
PBLicious Group..Few of us... (ramai yang tak dapat datang)
Our happy time together..
Just one word to describe all this....H.A.P.P.Y!
Walaupon penat, tapi penat yg berbaloi2 coz dapat pengalaman yang sangat berharga!
Yes, i'm satisfied!If ade peluang next time, insyaAllah akan join lagi..
And daku yakin dengan PB sume yang IMPOSSIBLE pon boleh jadi POSSIBLE!
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