Biasenye weekend memang x tahu nak pergi mane..Tapi...after join biz ni, setiap weekend terisi dgn aktiviti2 berfaedah..kalau weekend jer, mesti x duduk diam..ade jer tempat nak pergi, but i like it!saya ni memang suke jalan2..Orang cakap 'Jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan'..=)
Biasenye weekend memang x tahu nak pergi mane..Tapi...after join biz ni, setiap weekend terisi dgn aktiviti2 berfaedah..kalau weekend jer, mesti x duduk diam..ade jer tempat nak pergi, but i like it!saya ni memang suke jalan2..Orang cakap 'Jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan'..=)
So, last week, ari sabtu me, ila & anis pergi ke Jusco Wangsa Maju for biz sharing..Prospek ni kawan Ila..So we as a team memang nak sangat tolong closedkan prospek Ila..& alhamdulillah...another fruitful day...welcome to PBLicious Zila =)
Jom layan gambar2 plak..
Seri Putra - Wangsa maju - Seri Putra
Seri Putra - Wangsa maju - Seri Putra
On d way to wangsa maju for biz sharing...w/pon jammed, kami truskan juga coz sharing is Caring =)
So, after sesi makan2, bermula la sesi bisnes sharing...
bergambar utk kenangan..welcoming new team for PBLicious, Zila...(3 dari kiri)..insyaAllah..more to come!!
So, lepas biz sharing we go for shopping plak!!Yeahh!!Shopping ni 1 of d way to rilex urself=)
Betol x kawan2 ku sekalian?
Seronok kan kalau boleh beli ape yg kite suke?
Yea!Aritu leh 'tangkap' Carlo Rino' sebiik!Cantik x?hehe..siap dpt FREE GIFT skli..a cute Carlo Rino Brown Bag...
Done for Saturday!Then balik, sampai rumah around pukol 11 am, update pasal biz, then tdo coz tomorrow another appointment is waiting=)
Frutiful weekend part 1 Done!
Seri Putra - Bukit Beruntung - Putrajaya - Seri Putra
It's Sunday!
Ready for next appointment!Fitting customer & biz sharing!I feel more confidence with my New Handbag=)
Ready to go!before that, breakfast dulu!

Dah nak sampai..500 meters lg!(gmbr ihsan dr Google)
Sambil2 fitting, just share psl peluang biz ni dgn semua kawan2, x kisahla kawan baru or kawan lame..
Then, off to Seri Putra, on d way balik terase nk tgk wayang tibe2...so, terus pick up adik kat Seri Putra, then off to Alamanda...
Kalau drive jauh2, wajib pakai PB. kenapa?coz kl x pakai, sure sakit belakang punyer..yg biase g outstation jauh2 tu for sure tau kn mcm maner rasenyer drive berjam2 lamenyer,.huhu..
Sampai jer kt Alamanda, terus je g kaunter GSC...semayang Magrib dulu & then merehatkan minda bersama....
Dah lame nak tengok, tp ni baru ade pluang layan cite ni..overall OK la...but M.I.B 3 lg best kot..sape2 yg blm tgk lg MIB, cpt2 la pergi...best sgt!5 stars!!
Then, around kol 11pm, off to my home sweet home at Seri Putra...
Sampai je kat rumah, trus mandi2 & zZzZz.....Need to sleep coz tomorrow a bundle of works is waiting at office!
End of Fruitful Weekend part 2..
. See u next entry k...
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